Botanical painting, also known as botanical art or botanical illustration, is a scientific and artistic discipline that depicts plants and their parts in a way that accurately represents their form, colour, and detail. Botanical art is a type of art that is both artistic and scientific. It can be made using many different media, and the subject can be any type of plant and any parts of a plant, such as flowers, seed pods, roots, leaves, or stems.
Artwork is frequently in colour (on a plain background). It may also include a record of the plant growing in its natural habitat. Botanical art may form part of a project and contribute to a flora - records made of plants in a geographical location or garden. The emphasis is much more about a pleasing painting and much less on the botanical accuracy or natural colours or the various features of the flower. The style of painting may be more impressionistic, colours and/or relative size may not be entirely true. Informing or educating for scientific purposes are not of primary importance.
In Full Bloom
by Rita TanAustralia
Flower Reef
by John AlbertMaldives
by Peter MaxwellUnited States of America
Corolla Display
by George LawrenceCanada
by Alex DevisUnited Kingdom
Garden Dress
by Kelvin BradleySwitzerland
Red Rose
by Susan GallagherDubai
Garden of Colours
by Daniel GustavoNetherlands
Blossom Colour
by Jennifer MorganUnited States of America
Summer Fields
by Suehan DaxNetherland
Flower House
by Erica MohitoshItaly
The Gallery
by Eric JawrenGermany