Master of Art International - Art Exhibition and Awards 2014
An exclusive collection of original artwork painting and drawing for annual juror international selling exhibition. Study the depth and number of layers of paint needed to achieve the hue desired by the artist. The exhibition allow you examine the patina of the piece itself: texture, the brightness and total image thereof. Our aim is to connect passionate artists with art lovers around the world.
Great Yarmouth Racecourse, Jellicoe Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 4AU
Private View: Sunday 21st September - from 13:00 till 18:00 (RSVP)
Public View:
From Monday 22nd to Friday 26th September - 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday 27th September - 10:00 to 12:00 noon
Portrait of an artist
by O.Yemi TubiGold Award
Why Did You Do It
by Sally JonesSilver Award
Vitally Important II
by Laura IosifescuBronze Award
Still Life
by Colette CleggBest Abstract
Trinidad de Cuba
by Anthony PayneBest Architecture
The Wounded Warrior
by Annie ZameroBest Contemporary
Sailing the Seine
by Jeffrey BrettBest Landscape
Rose Fair Waiting
by Robert LedgerBest Portrait